Where Do You Get Your Ideas?
(too old to reply)
2011-07-27 20:19:46 UTC
I am a working pro screenwriter (19 films) and once wrote a series of
48 page booklets on different aspects of screenwriting - 20 of them -
kind of a "buy chapters and build your own book" kind of thing. It was
my friend Jim's idea. Well, I sell them on paper for $4.99, but
decided to rewrite them a little for Kindle, Nook, etc.

First one just went up - and it expanded to *160* pages!

Kindle - http://www.amazon.com/Your-Machine-Screenwriting-Books-ebook/dp/B005EE

Nook - http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Your-Idea-Machine/William-C-Martell/e

Now all I have to do is rewrite the other 19... and finish this script
for Hallmark Channel... and do laundry...

- Bill
Free Script Tips:
The Starmaker
2011-07-27 22:13:33 UTC
Post by wcmartell
I am a working pro screenwriter (19 films) and once wrote a series of
48 page booklets on different aspects of screenwriting - 20 of them -
kind of a "buy chapters and build your own book" kind of thing. It was
my friend Jim's idea. Well, I sell them on paper for $4.99, but
decided to rewrite them a little for Kindle, Nook, etc.
First one just went up - and it expanded to *160* pages!
Kindle - http://www.amazon.com/Your-Machine-Screenwriting-Books-ebook/dp/B005EE
Nook - http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Your-Idea-Machine/William-C-Martell/e
Now all I have to do is rewrite the other 19... and finish this script
for Hallmark Channel... and do laundry...
- Bill
The majority of movies...released in theaters..
were made *before* the script was written.

So, if that is true, you first got to have a movie deal *before* you
even write the script.
First 'the idea' for the movie..
then attaching a star
then, you write the script.

So, why are the majority of screenwriters..
writing scripts before the movie deal exist?

Isn't that a waste of time?

The Starmaker

Where does Hollywood gets it ideas from, they steal it!

Then they get movie deal
then the star
then..a scriptdoctor to write the
script they stole the idea from.
2011-07-29 22:58:27 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by wcmartell
I am a working pro screenwriter (19 films) and once wrote a series of
48 page booklets on different aspects of screenwriting - 20 of them -
kind of a "buy chapters and build your own book" kind of thing. It was
my friend Jim's idea. Well, I sell them on paper for $4.99, but
decided to rewrite them a little for Kindle, Nook, etc.
First one just went up - and it expanded to *160* pages!
Kindle -http://www.amazon.com/Your-Machine-Screenwriting-Books-ebook/dp/B005EE
Nook -http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Your-Idea-Machine/William-C-Martell/e
Now all I have to do is rewrite the other 19... and finish this script
for Hallmark Channel... and do laundry...
- Bill
The majority of movies...released in theaters..
were made *before* the script was written.
So, if that is true, you first got to have a movie deal *before* you
even write the script.
First 'the idea' for the movie..
then attaching a star
then, you write the script.
So, why are the majority of screenwriters..
writing scripts before the movie deal exist?
Isn't that a waste of time?
The Starmaker
Where does Hollywood gets it ideas from, they steal it!
Then they get movie deal
then the star
then..a scriptdoctor to write the
script they stole the idea from.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Tell you what, Starloser - I'll continue to write and sell scripts to
Hollywood... you do whatever it is that you do.

- Bill
2011-08-17 19:25:06 UTC
I am a working pro screenwriter (19 films) and once wrote a series of
48 page booklets on different aspects of screenwriting - 20 of them -
kind of a "buy chapters and build your own book" kind of thing. It was
my friend Jim's idea. Well, I sell them on paper for $4.99, but
decided to rewrite them a little for Kindle, Nook, etc.

Second one is up for Kindle, and it expaned to about 155 pages!

Original was 48 pages for $4.99, Kindle version is 155 pages for


No more passive protagonists! Techniques for deep characterization.
155 pages packed with tools and techniques to create CREAT

- Bill
Free Script Tips:
Melanie Sands
2011-08-19 11:17:24 UTC
Post by wcmartell
I am a working pro screenwriter (19 films) and once wrote a series of
48 page booklets on different aspects of screenwriting - 20 of them -
kind of a "buy chapters and build your own book" kind of thing. It was
my friend Jim's idea. Well, I sell them on paper for $4.99, but
decided to rewrite them a little for Kindle, Nook, etc.
Second one is up for Kindle, and it expaned to about 155 pages!
Original was 48 pages for $4.99, Kindle version is 155 pages for
CREATING STRONG PROTAGONISTShttp://www.amazon.com/Creating-Strong-Protagonists-Screenwriting-eboo...
No more passive protagonists! Techniques for deep characterization.
155 pages packed with tools and techniques to create CREAT
 - Bill
 Free Script Tips:http://www.ScriptSecrets.Net
Does Kindle come as an "empty" appliance or does it already have some
on it? Is it like these laptops that are really cheap, but then you
have to
buy Microsoft office software for big bugs, and Internet Explorer for
bucks, and this and that software, and in the end you've spent MORE
for a more expensive, regular laptop....

Amazon loves Kindle because when you have one, you need to keep on
and buying and buying - why not just download free books onto your PC?

Better yet, why not just go to a second-hand bookstore or to the
or Ebay and buy used books?

I mean, seriously, how often do you go on holiday where you need to
more than one book with you at a time? Seriously? I read on the bus
ALL the time, but I only carry one paperback with me - and hey, it's

2011-08-20 22:18:33 UTC
Try the free software for your computer.

Then you can read a pile of books for free. I think the device comes
with a dictionary (Websters or some other big one) and maybe a couple
of classics...

After trying out the version for PC, I bought the device because I
read a pile of books, and it's lighter than a paper book (and I always
end up with a couple of books in my backpack). I'm on vacation now and
I'll probably plow through a couple of books or more. For me, the main
reason to buy one was that I'm re-reading all of the books I read when
I was a kid - currently re-reading the Burroughs MARS books - and
these would cost me a couple of bucks at a used book store, and are
free for the Kindle. Just about everything I read as a kid is free...
and some of the others (a few rare books that have been out of print
for decades) are 99 cents. I added up all of the books that I would
buy that were free and it was more than what the device cost. But you
may be different. I'm not a salesman for the device, I don't really
care. It's just another way to get my books to the readers. And
because there is no cost for paper, I can expand the paper versions as
much as I want and charge *less*...

Original was 48 pages for $4.99, Kindle version is 155 pages for


No more passive protagonists! Techniques for deep characterization.
155 pages packed with tools and techniques to create protagonists!

Original was 48 pages for $4.99, Kindle version is 155 pages for


Professional Screenwriter William C. Martell (19 produced films)
takes you into the world of ideas and high concepts, showing you step-
by- step how to find the best idea for your script.

- Bill
2011-08-21 13:47:45 UTC
Post by Melanie Sands
Does Kindle come as an "empty" appliance or does it already have some
on it? Is it like these laptops that are really cheap, but then you
have to
buy Microsoft office software for big bugs, and Internet Explorer for
bucks, and this and that software, and in the end you've spent MORE
for a more expensive, regular laptop....
It comes with just a user manual, but it points you at several thousand
free (out of copyright) books on Amazon.
Post by Melanie Sands
Amazon loves Kindle because when you have one, you need to keep on
and buying and buying - why not just download free books onto your PC?
No you don't. I probably buy less than one in fifty from Amazon. If you buy
a Kindle, download a copy of a program called "Calibre" onto your computer.
Calibre organises your ebook, converts from one format to another and will
scan hundreds of online sources if asked to look for an author or a title.
It can usually find them much cheaper than Amazon - often free.
Post by Melanie Sands
Better yet, why not just go to a second-hand bookstore or to the
or Ebay and buy used books?
Kindle is easier, cheaper, offers more variety and is useful for a writer.
While reading any book or paper, you can make notes, annotations, copy
blocks of text, look up words, check Wikipedia etc. all free. Wiki access
is lifetime free for the DX.
Post by Melanie Sands
I mean, seriously, how often do you go on holiday where you need to
more than one book with you at a time? Seriously?
Always. What I feel like reading depends on my mood. I like having a near
unlimited library with me, and often if I read a review, or someone
mentions a book, I can download it in moments if I do not already have it.
Post by Melanie Sands
I read on the bus
ALL the time, but I only carry one paperback with me - and hey, it's